
Sharing  Є  Knowledge

I really enjoy building new PCs and creating a new design.  I generally don't create cases or things myself....I just use off-the-shelf components and have some fun with them.

 PC Hardware......

Most recently I've started to get excited about the Mini-ITX and Flex-ATX form factors.  The links on the left are a few ideas and some research I've done on the topics.

Here's a few web links to look for more hardware info:

Intel Chip Density over time Chip Density 1.jpg (201965 bytes)

Opinion about "PCs aren't for everyone", by Jim Rapoza from PC Week, Aug 4, 2003.

An interesting 1U server from MSI called the 9211.

Peer-to-Peer Computing Sites:

GIMPS - The Great Internet Marsenne Prime Search

Google Compute - currently folding proteins

Seti at Home - The "mother" of all DC projects.

CPU Utils:

WCPUID from H.Oda!


Kinda cool illuminated keyboards by Eluminx

PC Mods